Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29, 2012

Today was both a good and bad day for the Culy's at Riley.  Blair and Harli both had good days which is the most important part of the day.  The only bad part of the day is that I had to come home so I can start going back to work.

Harli's nurse told us that Harli only had a couple episodes over night, and only one of those episodes required stimulation.  Harli is still on four liters of vapotherm, which is keeping her very content.  She had a couple bowel movements overnight, and had a couple more throughout the day.  Her color has gotten to the point where she looks like a full term baby, now we just need her length and weight to catch up.  Harli was very active again today, and kept the nurses on thier toes by having to keep trying to bundle her back up. 

The doctor raised her milk up to 5cc's from 3.5cc's every three hours.  When they checked to see how much she still had left before feeding her more she always had less than 1cc. The nurse said that they do not get alarmed until she has the same amount of milk left which they are feeding her.  They are still talking that they plan to have her on full milk by Friday if everything goes smoothly.  Every time they raise the amount of milk she is getting they back down the amount of fluids. 

I ask that you pray for our family during this transitional period.  It is not easy leaving Blair and Harli in Indy, but also understand that it is something that has to be done.  Blair's dad was able to come down and stay with Blair the first three days of the week and her mother is going to be able to come and stay the last two days.  I am planning on getting out their as much as I can throughout the week, but still have not set a schedule.  We continue to thank everyone who is keeping our family in their thoughts and prayers.  It has given us great comfort to know we have the support of people all over several communities.

This attempt failed, she liked it but forgot to breathe. 

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