Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21, 2012

Today was another busy morning at Riley.  It started out with Blair and I going to the emergency room because Blair has started getting little bumps on her stomach.  After spending almost three hours waiting on the doctor we found out Blair has folliculitis, and the doctors think she got it from her c-section.  The doctor and Harli's nurse practitioner said it was not uncommon for people to have infections from surgeries because of all the different things that are laid on their stomach.  We found out that Blair is still allowed to be around Harli because if Blair was contagious then Harli would already have the symptoms since she doesn't have an immune system.  We finally arrived at Harli's bedside around 11:00 a.m. and we got a very good report from her nurse for both the morning and the night.

There were not many changes with Harli today, other than the fact that she is not having as many episodes.  The episodes she is having are farther apart and she is starting to catch herself more times then the nurses are having to wake her up.  The nurses continue to say that Harli is improving every day and they are very glad to see the progress she has made this past week.  We are still waiting to have Harli's upper GI on Monday and still praying for good news.

This is a shorter post tonight as there was not big news in module three, which was relaxing.  I hope all of you are doing well and my family thanks you again for all the prayers and wishes.
Not very happy about having her diaper changed.

A little happier now that she has on a clean diaper.

All warm and cozy and taking a nap.

Our night nurse took the time to make sculptures of Harli's hands.  She had to do two sets because the first ones broke, but the second ones turned out absolutely amazing.  She is so precious and already has her mommy and daddy wrapped around her finger.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know you, but saw your blog on a friend's Facebook page. Your daughter and family are in my thoughts and prayers. She seems like a fighter. Stay strong and God bless.
    Heather Escamilla
