Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

So today was a great day both with Blair and Harli.  Blair woke up feeling better but made the decision she would stay in the room for another day. So I ventured over to Riley by myself, when I entered Harli's room the vapotherm machine was still set the way it was the night before.  The night nurse gave me a good report, and Harli was still laying on her belly.  The nurses have decided that Harli is now like all other preemies meaning she will now sleep on her belly.  I was with Harli most of the morning and there weren't many changes.  The nurses informed me that the module was going to be shut down at 12:30p.m. for another surgery so I just sat back with Harli until I had to leave.

While the module was closed today from 12:30p.m. thru 5:30p.m. they worked with two of the babies.  The baby that had surgery yesterday was taken off the EKMO machine which is an answer to prayer.  The doctors gave his parents very good news, but I wasn't able to talk with the parents long enough to get more details. Please continue your prayers for the little baby and his family during his recovery.

I never saw Dave Kennedy's niece but I ask that everyone continue their prayers for her baby and for the family.  With the surgery their baby went through they will have a very long road ahead, but I know with the prayers and support their baby and family will make it through this difficult time.

Blair found out some great news today about her mastitis.  Since Blair is allergic to penicillin the antibiotic the doctors put her on were going to cause her to pump and dump her milk.  I had Blair text me the name of the antibiotic so I could show Harli's nurse practitioner who took the name of the antibiotic and went and talked with a pharmacist, who told her that Blair would not have to pump and dump the milk.  The nurse practitioner told Blair and I that they had to watch some of Harli's blood levels in order to feed her the milk but so far she would be alright to drink the milk.  We just have to put a mark on the label so they know which milk was pumped while on the antibiotic.

Tonight I got a really good picture of Harli when the nurse was changing her diaper and its amazing how much energy that girl has.  When the nurses reach in and start moving anything that girl starts squirming and doesn't stop until they get their hands out.  The doctors are still on schedule to do Harli's upper GI on Monday (when they give her the dye) and I am praying that we get good results from that.  Depending on what time of day the Upper GI is done and what the results are will depend if they can start Harli on breast milk Monday, Tuesday or at all.

Please continue your thoughts and prayers for our family!  Love you guys and thanks for the support thru this part of our journey.


Harli is still weighing in at 1lb 12.5ozs.  

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures and sounds like a good day for all of you! Hope that Blair is feeling better for tomorrow's visit, and that Harli continues to improve day by day! Love & prayers to you all! Laura
