Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012

Harli has had a very rough afternoon which carried into this evening.   They started the day out adjusting her vapotherm machine down to two liters, which is the lowest she has ever been.  At one this afternoon they had to raise it back up to three liters because she was struggling to breathe.  Then this afternoon it just started going downhill, aka the roller coaster ride.  They took x-ray's this evening of her lungs because of her breathing difficulties, her left lung appeared to not be completely inflated.  The nurse practitioner raised her vapotherm to four liters hoping to help stimulate her lung and get it to expand completely.  At about eight thirty this evening when our night nurse was changing Harli's diaper she noticed blood in her stool.  They immediately started pulling blood work to have it sent to the labs.  Harli continued struggling on and off throughout the entire night.   They took x-rays of her stomach to see if her intestine had another hole, but it came back that there was not a hole, but she has some air in her intestine.  We are not completely clear on how the air got in her intestine, but she does have an infection.  Her white blood cell count came back to where there isn't a large infection, but we will have to wait until the cultures grow to find out what type of an infection we are dealing with.  Until they find out what type of infection Harli has they have started her on three different antibiotics, they have pulled her milk, and started her back on the liquid foods.  Our nurse also informed us not to be surprised if in the morning Harli is back on the ventilator to help her breathe.

Please be praying for our family while we understand what God has in his plans.

"I see all your hardships, and I care about your suffering."  Psalm 31:7

1 comment:

  1. Be strong Harli! God has his hand on you and you're in our prayers.
