Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17, 2012

Last night Harli had one bowel movement and four episodes. One of those episodes required much stimulation, but the other three she was able to resolve on her own.  Other than that she had a pretty restful night.

Harli had a really good morning into the early part of the afternoon. She had one episode which she resolved on her own.  The doctor and nurse practitioner's did not make any changes with Harli today.  They left her on the two liters of vapotherm, and left her milk at 25cc's.  They still have not given Harli a blood transfusion, but the later in the night you could tell she is running out of steam.  She had about six episodes from the time I got out here at five thirty until we left at midnight.  Most of those episodes required some sort of stimulation.  Blair and I are hoping that maybe tomorrow the doctors will reconsider holding off on the blood transfusion, but we will just have to pray about it and leave it up to God.

Blair was able to kangaroo Harli for two and a half hours.  While Blair was holding her she had very periodic breathing and Blair had to stem her a couple times to keep her breathing up before they turned into episodes.  When Blair got done kangarooing Harli had a bowel movement, which I still think is a conspiracy, so dad got the chance to change another dirty diaper.  I still say that she had that dirty diaper for a couple of hours but they were just waiting till I got there so I could change it.  She also had another bowel movement later in the night so things seem to be functioning pretty well.  Blair and I are not sure if there was a mistake today when Harli was weighed, but she lost eighty grams putting her back to 3lbs 2ozs.

"God is good all the time, all the time God is good."

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