Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012

Harli had a good night again last night.  She made it through the whole night without an episode.  She continues to have bowel movements, and is continuing to keep her body temperature up as they lower the temperature in her bed.

Today was another good day for Harli.  The doctor and nurse practitioners made a few changes for today.  They have raised her feedings to match with the weight gain she has been having.  They also lowered her vapotherm machine down to one liter.  This is the lowest she has been to date, and if everything goes smoothly there is a chance by the end of the weekend to just be on straight oxygen.  They changed her vapotherm today around one, and when we left tonight at eight she had only one episode, which she brought up herself.

They lowered her bed temperature down to 26.5ºC, once they get her bed down to 26ºC and can keep her body temperature up then she will just be waiting on her weight gain to graduate to a crib.  They had her wrapped in a blanket today to help her keep her weight up, but apparently she has a little to much of my blood in her body because her temperature was at 37.4ºC.  Her body temperature normally runs at 36.5ºC so she was a little warm.  Once they unwrapped her and just put a blanket over her she had no problems.

Today Harli weighed in at 1730 grams, or 3lbs 13ozs.  If everyone remembers the doctors will start considering putting her in a crib at 1800-2000 grams.  Once again this is totally up to Harli and I'm sure she will tell us when she is ready to make that change.  The nurse practitioner told Blair today that when Harli reaches thirty-four weeks they will start the breast feeding and bottle feeding.  It is truly amazing at how well our daughter is doing, but Blair and I both understand that none of this would be possible if it weren't for our amazing God.  Everyone following our families roller coaster ride has given so much support through prayer which has made all of this possible.  We would like to thank everyone for every prayer they are praying.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me."  Psalm 138:7

1 comment:

  1. Reading your updates on Harli makes me praise God for His faithfulness! And seeing the way that you guys are relying on God and thanking Him and trusting His promises is so encouraging for me! Thanks for sharing!
