Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11, 2012

Today was a much better day for the Culy family.  Harli had another good night, her blood gas was up a little this morning so they did not make a change on her ventilator.  She continues to gain energy with each day that passes by.

Today Blair was able to go shopping for clothes for Harli, she was not real keen on going but I was able to convince her that it would be good for her to get away.  She was able to get several cute outfits for Harli and got to spend a few hours away from Riley.

Meanwhile I stayed back with Harli, things were pretty slow but Harli was starting to fight her confinements.  Every time the nurses would bundle Harli up she would figure out a way to get an arm or leg out, and sometimes it was all of her limbs.  They checked her blood gas at noon and it was down so they weaned the vent to twenty-four breaths per minute.  (Some people have been asking what exactly the blood gas was, it measures the amount of CO2 in the blood the ideal range is 35-55.  If her gas is close to fifty-five then they would possible raise the vent, if her gas is close to thirty-five then they would wean the vent.)  Other than the wean on her vent there was not much activity while Blair was gone.  There was a little period this afternoon where our module was closed due to a procedure with another baby, but it reopened within an hour.

Tonight Harli had another blood gas at eight, the results came back at forty-one.  Our nurse told us that they would possibly wean Harli off the vent either tonight or tomorrow.  It is amazing to see how far she has come from Wednesday, but we also realize how quickly it could all change. They took Harli off her antibiotics today because nothing grew in her cultures.  With that being said that means we will probably not find out what caused this little hill in the roller coaster ride.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3

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