Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

Today was both a moment of improvement and also a moment of hard information to grasp.  It started out when we walked into Harli's room we noticed that she was off the ventilator and back on the vapotherm machine at four liters per minute.  Just a refresher, the vapotherm machine heats and humidifies the air while giving Harli four liters per minute of oxygen.  Our nurse said that she had really good blood gases last night and they took her off the vent around eight thirty this morning.  What an answer to prayer.

I think it took Harli a little bit of time today to adjust to the vapotherm machine, but I think just from her actions she was having a much better day.  She had most of her energy back, and our nurse found out how hard it is to contain our girl.  She made it through the day with only one episode which she corrected herself.  They are continuing to take x-rays of both her lungs and her belly every twelve hours to see if there are any changes.  We were able to look at her x-rays today, which are the first x-rays we have gotten to see since we have been here, and they explained what they are looking for.  Our nurse practitioner told us that they have classified Harli to have a symptom called Chronic Lung Disease.  I guess this is a very common disease in premature babies, and she said that some grow out of it, but others have more difficulties with these problems.  Our nurse practitioner explained how some of these symptoms are caused form her lungs not being developed, and others are caused from being on the ventilator.  As much as the ventilator helps her lungs it can also cause some problems.  I guess this just calls for some extra prayers for our little girl.

Tonight starting at about six Harli started getting very angry and this lasted for about two hours.  The only way to keep her heart rate down was by giving her a pacifier and letting her suck on it.  It was also very nice to see that while she was sucking on the pacifier that none of her vitals changed which is something she has not been able to do in the past.  Our nurses explained to us that she just might be hungry since she is not getting any milk. Harli is on the liquid food, which gives her all the nutrition that she needs, but now that she is awake and feeling good she is also noticing that her stomach is telling her that she is hungry. The doctors are hoping to start her back on some milk tomorrow, but that will all be determined in the morning when they take another x-ray of her stomach to see how everything looks.

Today they measured Harli and she measured 15 1/4 inches which is up three quarters of an inch.  She also weighed 2lbs 14 ounces, which means Harli has now gained a total of one pound since she was born.  I thought that was a great surprise since she has not been getting milk the past couple of days.  I ask that everyone continues to pray for Harli and also pray that Blair and I remain strong.  There are days when we get news that is hard to swallow and turn over the Lord, but deep down we know that he is in control and will take care of everything.

"Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  Matthew 19:26

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