Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27, 2012

Last night was another great night for Harli.  She did not have any episodes and slept for almost the entire night.

Today was another good day for Harli, but not as good as last night.  She had one episode today, which she corrected herself.  She continues to have bowel movements.  The doctor and nurse practitioner decided not to make a change on her vapotherm machine since she only had one twenty four hour period without an episode.  I guess this morning Harli was in a very energetic mood because I guess she did not hold still all morning.  She then spent most of the afternoon sleeping.  Early this morning they did more blood work on Harli and she is starting to low on blood again.  I doubt they will give her blood anytime soon though since she is not having much trouble.  Hopefully soon our daughter will be able to start producing her own blood.

Harli gained another ten grams today putting her at 1690 grams, or 3lbs 11.5 ozs.  She continues to get bigger each day, which the bigger she gets hopefully the less episodes she will have. 

"You can know and depend on the love I have for you." 1 John 4:16

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your posts everyday. What a wonderful thing to create. Sounds like there is a little more light at the end of the tunnel. Just remember--God won't give you anymore than you can't handle. She's a cutie and anybody born on Jan 5th can't be kept down--that's my birthday too.
    Onda at Verona
